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Understanding Your Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

Understanding Your Risk Factors for Osteoporosis

Getting older means a lot of changes to your body, including some of the vital parts like your bones. It's not uncommon for older adults to suffer a broken bone from a simple fall or a minor injury.

Osteoporosis is one of the primary conditions that affect the bones in both women and men as they age. It involves the integrity of the bones, making them prone to fractures from simple bumps or falls.

You must know if you're at risk for osteoporosis so you can start making changes to protect your bones. Dr. Frank Marinkovich, MD, and the team at Eastside Family Health Center, Kirkland, WA offer several therapies to help you fight off osteoporosis.

Dr. Marinkovich is a primary care specialist offering various tips and help for many chronic conditions, including osteoporosis.

Understanding Osteoporosis

Osteoporosis is a disease that affects the integrity of your bones, especially as you get older. To understand osteoporosis, you have to know how your bones work.

Each of your bones consists of growing, living tissues constantly changing in a process called remodeling. Old bone breaks down during remodeling, and new bone takes its place.

When you're young, your bone often replaces itself faster than it breaks down, allowing your bones to stay strong and healthy. But as you get older, the process slows down, meaning the bone breaks down faster than it rebuilds.

Osteoporosis happens when the bone breaks down faster than it rebuilds, causing large holes in the bone. These holes resemble a honeycomb and cause the bones to become brittle and easily broken.

The scary aspect of osteoporosis is that you usually don't have any symptoms until you break a bone, and our team finds it on an X-ray.

Risk Factors for Osteoporosis You Can't Change

There are both modifiable and non-modifiable risk factors for osteoporosis. Non-modifiable risk factors are those you can't change on your own. These risk factors include the following:

Osteoporosis Risk Factors You Can Control

There are, however, risk factors that you can change when it comes to osteoporosis. If you're already at risk due to non-modifiable risk factors, it's essential to control the other factors that you can.

Some of the modifiable risk factors you can take control of to lower your chances of developing osteoporosis include the following:

If you're worried about osteoporosis, don't hesitate to call Eastside Family Health Center, Kirkland, WA today or request a consultation on the website.

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